Finding a VR Therapist

To find a VR therapist, look for a licensed mental health professional who uses virtual reality and who has specific training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the issues that concern you. 

Ideally a therapist should:

  • Be a licensed mental health professional or supervised by a licensed professional.

  • Make you feel comfortable, understood, cared about, and respected.

  • Explain things in ways you understand and that make sense to you.

  • Be encouraging.

  • Treat you as an active partner in your therapy.

  • Monitor your progress.

  • Problem-solve with you if you are not making progress.

When screening therapists, describe the issues for which you would like to use virtual reality, and ask whether the therapist has access to the appropriate virtual environments. For example, virtual environments for treating fear of flying, fear of heights, or needle phobia. 

VR therapy can be provided in person or remotely via teletherapy. For in-person therapy the therapist will have the VR equipment at their location. 

For VR teletherapy you may need some equipment and an Internet connection, check with the therapist for specific details. Most people will need two devices: a device for video conferencing (Zoom or similar services) and a VR headset. The VR headset can be a standalone VR headset or a smartphone and a suitable headset adapter or holder. Smartphone holders are available for either Android or Apple iPhone devices. Check with your therapist for specific requirements. Some therapists may offer loaner VR headsets.

See below for several ways to find a therapist:

  • Directories of VR therapists

  • Web search tips for locating VR therapists

  • General therapist locator websites (not VR specific)

VR Therapist Directories

These websites provide lists of VR therapists:


Therapist Web Search Tips

Search online for VR therapists who may not be included in the directories above.

Look for specific search results using a search engine such as,,, or your local equivalents if you are outside the US. Use combinations of search terms indicating the type of service and/or type of therapist, and the geographic location where you live or areas where you would be willing to go for treatment. 

If teletherapy is an option for you, include 'teletherapy' or 'distance therapy' as a search term and look for therapist who offers teletherapy and is licensed to treat clients in your state or geographic territory. Keep in mind that some regulatory organization have relaxed licensing requirements (at least temporarily) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Therapist availability varies greatly in different geographic areas. You can adjust for this by starting with very specific search terms and then changing to more general terms if you do not find many search results.

Examples of search terms from specific to more general:

  • Service: anxiety treatment, panic treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, mental health services, etc.

  • Therapist type: clinical psychologist, psychologist, clinical social worker, etc. Check the types of therapists licensed in your state as discussed above and add these to your search.

  • If you are looking for a therapist who offers virtual reality therapy include "virtual reality therapy" or "virtual reality exposure therapy" in your search criteria.

  • If you want treatment for a specific fear or phobia include that topic. For example: treatment for fear of flying, fear of heights, public speaking anxiety, needle phobia, etc.

  • Location as Zip Code (in the US) or postal code, neighborhood, town or city, metropolitan area, county or region, state, province, etc. Some search engines support location shortcuts like 'near me' but you may need to correct your location on the search page.


Modify the service terms if you are looking for treatment for other conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. 

General Therapist Locators

Major therapist locator websites in North America include:

Some of these sites allow searching by type of service and geographical location.